viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

más acostumbrada a la once

Hello! Hace un rato.

Well the biggest and best news is that Andrea is coming tomorrow! Or technically today since it's half an hour to midnight. I'm guessing she's somewhere over the ocean right about now. Over Mexico or Costa Rica maybe. She gets here in like seven hours. Unfortunately I can't go meet her nor can i go to her apartment right away because I'll be doing something else.

Ok the something else I'll be doing is "helping" in a "group project" for my journalism class. It's a tv journalism class and we are supposed to be making a video clip that can be about pretty much anything I guess. I mean basically I think we can like make a music video if we want, haha, (seeing as that's like what nearly everyone in the past has done) and we just need to include a journalistic perspective in what we shoot. So that should be cool. I put the words helping and group project in quotes because for the rest of the people in my class this is like, as Marcela put it when I explained to her the situation, "solo uno más." Yep, just one more for them. My film making experience has been limited to my summer class at Strausberg and the occasional attempts to help Brass with random things when she really just ends up doing it all. So there's that aspect of them having to show me, and then there's the other aspect that my Spanish is still.... you know. But igual, I think it will be a good experience and hopefully fun. They understand that I'm just taking this class because I can, because I want to, and it doesn't even count for anything.

(P.S. I want to share my happiness that I almost wrote about a bunch of Spanish words in those sentences. Hey, even though my Spanish still sucks doesn't mean I'm not at least thinking in the language a little bit.)

I don't have many much more updates. I've been taking it pretty easy the last few weeks. I haven't really gone out on the weekends lately, just chilled with my family which I have loved. Some of the random things we've done are taken trips to the supermarket or to the ferria, where we buy all our fruits and vegetables. I run a lot of errands with Marcela, but it's cool because we have really gotten to talk a lot more and get to know each other a lot better. The first month or so I would be traveling on weekends, or be spending a lot of time with my friends. And then I think on top of that I just wasn't understanding as easily so I think it was hard for her to explain things to me. Today while I helped her with lunch I asked her about her job. I know she doesn't like it very much but she really was talking about how lately it's just been getting so hard with the people she works with and everything. Anyways, I know having a job for her is really stressful with three kids that she wants to be home with. So she came back today after going back to work after lunch, and told me that she quit. At first I was like, whoa... but she was like no Brett! This is good, this is what I've wanted for so long and now I can! She told her kids and man they were so happy they were about to cry haha. So I'm happy for them. And plus this means, as she said, that she and I can spend more time together too. Talking, watching movies, etc. So that's good! She also told me how the house is always going to be clean from here on out.... uh oh. Gosh I'm such a slob. I really do try, too.

Anyways I've rambled and rambled on updating things.

I'm reading a book right now (for niños) called "El Niño que Quería Dormir." Marcela lent it to me to read, and seeing that it is for children it is easy. It's about a little brasilian boy who loses his mamá and is homeless. It's pretty sad, but it's a beautiful story.

Oh another thing I've been doing lately is volunteering at an elementary school. I'm working with a program called English Opens Doors. I'm supposed to be a non-Spanish speaker doing activities and exercises with the kids. However, these kids are in their first year of learning english and today we learned the verb "to be." Soooo... I pretty much have to speak Spanish to them. I feel kind of useless but still it's kind of cool because the teacher is having me just bring my own stuff to teach. At first I didn't like this. I mean helloo I'm the volunteer you're the teacher. But now I kind of do like it. This is my first experience teaching a class room really, besides maybe a Sunday school story somewhere in my past. And on top of that, I'm teaching in Spanglish people. Mostly Spanish actually haha. So THAT is cool. Really cool. It's a classroom of all little boys... ten years old about. Anyways, I really like it.

I miss my homes. Peace.

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